So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, And guided them with his skillful hands. (Psalm 78:72)
Recent headlines have taught us that many so called successes were built on a foundation devoid of integrity. As it is in government, corporations so it is in the church, all too often we find a moral laxity behind our pews and, even worse, behind the pulpit. What is integrity?
Integrity means “an unimpaired condition.” It means to be sound, complete and solid. You have integrity if you keep your word even when no one checks up on you. Integrity means the absence of duplicity and is the opposite of hypocrisy. If you are a person of integrity, you will do what you say.What you declare, you will do your best to be. Integrity also includes financial accountability, personal reliability, and private purity. A person with integrity does not manipulate others. He or she is not prone to arrogance or self-praise. Integrity even invites constructive and necessary criticism because it applauds accountability. It’s sound. It’s solid. It’s complete. Integrity is rock-like. It won’t crack when it has to stand alone, and it won’t crumble though the pressure mounts. Integrity keeps one from fearing the white light of examination or resisting the exacting demands of close scrutiny. It’s honesty at all costs.
But there are some things integrity is not. It is not sinless perfection. A person with integrity does not live a life absolutely free of sin. No one does. But one with integrity quickly acknowledges his failures and doesn’t hide the wrong. Integrity is essential in the church, in the marketplace, and especially in the home. When you walk in integrity, you leave it as a legacy for your children to follow (Proverbs 20:7). When you work with integrity, you honor the Lord. Regardless of your profession, your character and conduct are godly.
You want to stand out and alone? Start demonstrating integrity in all you do, in your relationships, doing what’s right when no one is looking. It takes real courage to stand strong with integrity in a culture weakened by pietism and pretence. Start today.






At that moment she fell down at his feet and died. Then the young men came in and, finding her dead, carried her out and buried her beside her husband.

Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events. (Acts 5:10-11)



The story of Ananias and Sapphira points us to the danger of the sin of hypocrisy. It is amazing that what this couple did, attracted severest punishment in the early church. It was literally deadly for them. If this is what Holy Spirit always does with his church, there would have been the need today, for a mogul in every church. The sin of this couple was that they conspired together to deceive the apostles and the church. In other words, they were trying to impress everyone with a higher level of spirituality and commitment than they really had.


This kind of behavior has assumed unimaginable dimension in today’s church. People, including leaders assuming false appearance of virtue or goodness, with dissimulation of real character or inclinations.  Sheer dishonesty, lies, manipulation and questionable motives are the trend. We come to church with the mask of spirituality whereas, pretence, sham, hypocrisy, pretending to be something we are not. We are all guilty of trying to impress others with our commitment and devotion to Christ, even though we know in our heart that we are exaggerating.


Our lives are filled with pride, envy, hatred in homes, in the church and between brethren. For one’s spouse, for brethren. We come to church and put on a mask that says everything’s fine! Everything’s wonderful! When we are asked, how are things going. “Great, great! Fine!” “How’s everything at home?” “Oh, wonderful! We’re having a wonderful time!” The minute we say that and it’s not true, we die. Death sets in.

How do we deal with this problem within ourselves? We are all prone to the sin of hypocrisy and that’s the reason we should consciously pursue godly character.

Repent means to acknowledge that you have been doing it wrong and then turn from the sinful ways.  I urge you to allow God’s Word to confront your life. If you’re playing the religion game, quit now! Get real with the living God. Spend time each day with Him. Judge your sins and turn from them. Seek to grow in godly character. Our God desires truth in the innermost being (Ps 51:6).










 Do you have questions regarding this week’s issue of “In His Presence” ? Please Contact me via the email address below.










We are all guilty of trying to impress others with our commitment and devotion to Christ, even though we know in our heart that we are exaggerating.




Ranti Orioke


I will start with a story in 1 Samuel 10: 1-2. Saul went in search of Prophet Samuel because of the loss of his father’s donkey. After Samuel anointed Saul, the higher anointing restored his loss and he said to Saul “When you leave me today, you will meet two men near Rachel’s tomb, at Zelzah on the border of Benjamin. They will say to you, ‘The donkeys you set out to look for have been found.” By divine arrangement, after leaving the presence of the Prophet, two strangers were strategically positioned to give Saul good news.

Life is about God linking you up with your destiny helpers. In life there are 2 kinds of people you will ever meet – Destiny helpers and destiny killers.

When God links you up with your destiny helpers your tears will be converted to joy, your torment to peace, your labour to favour, your pain to gain and your Goliath becomes your stepping stone to the place of celebration.

Destiny killers are those who always wonder can anything good come out of this life? they say this with their mouth, their attitude and their actions. Destiny killers always see the negative side of you and are always out to discourage your efforts.

No man can by himself fulfil his destiny. Everyone needs a destiny helper. Jesus did not walk alone. He had 12 helpers who promoted his destiny.

  • Power of God hook me to my destiny helpers in Jesus name.
  • Lord Jesus hook my destiny helpers to my destiny in Jesus name.
  • Blood of Jesus link me up with my helpers in Jesus name.
  • Every witchcraft gathering assigned against my good news scatter in Jesus name.
  • My stolen crown be returned and be restored by fire in Jesus name.
  • If I be a child of God let my helpers locate me in Jesus name.
  • My manifestation cannot be stopped. I decree that my star shall shine, my voice will be heard, my enemies shall bow, I shall dance, I shall sing, I shall move forward and I shall breakthrough in Jesus name.

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