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God is our refuge and strength [mighty and impenetrable], A very present and well-proved help in trouble. (Psalms 46:1 AMP)
This psalm encourages us to hope and trust in God; in his power and providence, and his gracious presence with His own in the worst of times. David in Psalm 54:4a declares “Behold God is mine helper…..”, his only help when he was confronted with the arrays of Saul’s hit men and the betrayal of the Ziphites in divulging to Saul where he was hiding. He had known disappointments both from within and without and came to realization  that only God is the dependable Helper. There are three attributes of God’s  help:
It is sufficient and enough because it is divine. “The Lord is my helper.” When we are in need of friends to come to our aid, but often they cannot help us because their resources are inadequate. The Lord’s resources are never inadequate. His name is El-Shaddai (Genesis 17:1), which means that He is “the Enough God”.
The help of God because of His immotability, is always there to be accessed, so easily obtainable. The help can never be too early to become unnecessary or too late to be of no relevance again. Mary and Martha said, “If you had been here, my brother would not have died” (John 11:21, 32) But was He late?, not at all; He is always here – Psalm 46:1.
The help of God is bespoke, proper and fitting to individual’s need and it is personally dispensed to each according to each needs.
Are we in danger from visible or invisible enemies? God is our refuge, to whom we may flee, and in whom we may be safe. We have work to do, a warfare to accomplish, and sufferings to endure?. God is our strength to bear us up under our burdens, and to fit us for all our services and sufferings. Are we oppressed with troubles and distresses? He is a help in trouble: yea a present and adequate help. He had manifested himself to be so in the course of His providence in time past, and He has engaged to be so in time to come, and will not fail to fulfil His engagement.