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“Remember me, O Lord, with the favour You have toward Your people. Oh visit me with Your salvation.” (Psalms 106:4 NKJV)


The Bible says here that there is a set of people that God bears an unusual   favour, loves them with an everlasting love; which he has shown in the choice of them; shown in the gift of Jesus to them; in their regeneration, and eternal salvation. There is no doubt that nothing can be more desirable than an interest in this favour, in which is life, spiritual and eternal; is the strength, protection and security of believers, the source of their comfort, and the foundation of their joy. The beneficiary of the above is a special and peculiar people that God has chosen and brought them into covenant (1Pe 2:9). These are the people that are redeemed by the Son of God himself, who are called by grace, and brought to glory. They are peculiar and are God’s set of people.


But what does it mean to be the peculiar of God? The English word “peculiar” comes from the Latin word, “peculiaris,” which is derived from “peculium,” meaning ‘one’s own property’. In this context, the peculiar people are “God’s own property”, acquired, owned and preserved – people belonging to God and God alone. You are not your own any more. You were bought with a price. (1Co 6:20) to glorify  God not just with our hearts, but also with our bodies. Who are the peculiars of God? Obedient children, not after the lust of the flesh, called to be holy, conducting themselves in the fear of God (1Pe 1:14-17).


This is the set of people that God remembers. When God remembers us, He simply pays special attention to one and visits with salvation: salvation of our souls, salvation from the Red Sea of live, salvation from grievous affliction. When He remembers us, He delivers us from great distress. It may be temporary distress, or mental distress, or spiritual distress. He rescues us. He answers our prayers. He lifts us up from our circumstance. He brings us to the limelight when he remembers us.